A Christmas Tree that Celebrates and Honors


John M. Hartvigsen

We associate flags with the Fourth of July and decorated pine trees with Christmas, however Christmas trees decorated with flags is a tradition in Scandinavian countries and holiday trees decorated with the Stars & Stripes has historical ties in the United States. 

Indeed, even Santa Claus has been closely associated with the flag at Christmas.  Antique post cards often showed the Jolley Old Elf dressed like Uncle Sam and carrying gifts that included flags.

Today decorating Christmas trees with flags is making a resurgence as flag decorated trees take on some deeper meanings.  Locally, a Festival of Trees, held as a fundraiser for charity, displays donated trees decorated to present specific themes.  Movies, occupations, sports and hobbies are popular themes.  However, with continuing deployment of our Armed Forces to foreign lands reminds Americans of the sacrifices that become even more poignant each December. 

Lyrics of the song “I’ll be home for Christmas,” do more that draw feeling of nostalgia that are part of the Christmas music experience.  The sentiment for active duty military and their families is as real today as it was when the song was first recorded during World War II.  And, sadly too many warriors who did not survive battle come home to grieving families. 

A decorated tree recently posted on Facebook, themed to honor those who by their service and sacrifice honor the United States flag, found its theme and decorations inspired by the flag, which they served and defended. *

 Colonial Flag Foundation events around the country and throughout the year share this important theme to remember and honor members of our Armed Forces and their families, and this picture is so touching it cries out to be shared.

The team at Colonial Flag Foundation sends appreciation to all who honor the men and women to whom we owe so much. 

Warmest wished for Christmas and the New Year. 

*Sue Beckmann Ladage‎ to I Love Old Glory, November 27 at 5:53 AM https://www.facebook.com/groups/445789442199067/permalink/2425227154255276/

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